Santa Clarita Physical Therapy

Get Back on Your Feet with the Physical Therapists at Valencia Sports Medicine

Though it’s meant to be a time of rest and relaxation, taking time off from training to recover from a sports-related injury is difficult for many athletes.

If you are looking for a physical therapist in Santa Clarita who will help you take an active role in your recovery, call us at Valencia Sports Medicine today at (661) 490-9221.

Sitting and waiting for your body to heal can feel like an endless endeavor, especially if your doctor isn’t giving you regular updates on how the recovery is proceeding. Thankfully, many people with sports injuries can take an active role in their recovery through physical therapy.

During physical therapy in Santa Clarita at Valencia Sports Medicine, you will work with a qualified physical therapist who will:

  • Design a customized treatment plan for you
  • Provide updates on your recovery progress throughout the rehabilitation
  • Start strengthening the bones and muscles that were injured

Santa Clarita Physical Therapy Designed for You

We provide physical therapy to athletes of all levels and individuals of all ages. Every person’s injury is unique and there is no “one-size-fits-all” treatment. Our patients receive hands-on therapy designed to meet their unique goals for recovery. Our physical therapists are very involved in the recovery process and work closely with patients throughout the program.

We are proud to offer world-class physical therapy treatments which includes:

  • Customized treatment plans for optimal results
  • Motion-based and movement-oriented rehabilitation
  • Multi-disciplinary approach to therapy and recovery
  • Athlete-specific physical therapy training regimens
  • Treatment plans based on patient-specific needs, goals, or injuries
  • On-site gym and state-of-the-art treatment facility
  • Holistic treatment that focuses on the total patient

To learn more about our approach to physical therapy, watch Dr. Zapata's explanation video here.

How Often Will I Need Physical Therapy?

A professional at Valencia Sports Medicine will work with you to determine the frequency of physical therapy that is necessary for you. The average patient will most likely need to visit our facility for physical therapy between 1 and 3 times a week. The exact timeline will depend on the health of the patient and the severity of their condition.

How Long Does Physical Therapy Treatment Last?

The duration of physical therapy treatment can vary widely depending on the nature and severity of the condition, as well as individual factors. Some patients may see improvement within a few sessions, while others may require weeks or months of treatment. Your Santa Clarita physical therapist at Valencia Sports Medicine will provide a personalized treatment plan and can give you an estimated timeline based on your specific situation.

What Should I Do In Between Physical Therapy Sessions To Help With Pain?

It is important that you address any pain that may occur in between physical therapy sessions. Apply ice to any area of the body that is inflamed. It is also a good idea to keep yourself hydrated. Feel free to inform one of our specialists at Valencia Sports Medicine if pain persists.

Where Life & Sports Meet

Our team is made up of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. We understand what our patients are going through and are committed to helping them overcome this setback fully and as quickly as possible. You are an active participant in your recovery team. Tell us what’s important to you, and we can help you build a plan to meet those goals.

You can hear from some of our patients in their video testimonials for a chance to find out how partnership with us has aided individuals in overall wellness and health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear to physical therapy appointments?

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement. You should also bring shorts if exercises focus on your lower extremities.

Do I need any special equipment for physical therapy?

Generally, no. Our clinic has all the necessary equipment needed for your treatment program. However, your therapist may recommend specific items for home exercise routines, like resistance bands or stability balls.

How can I maximize the benefits of physical therapy?

Actively participate in your treatment sessions and ask questions. Understanding the rationale behind your exercises and performing them correctly at home is important. Maintaining good communication with your therapist is crucial for optimal results.

What can I do to prevent future injuries?

Physical therapists can educate you on proper exercise techniques, body mechanics, and injury prevention strategies. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and proper stretching can also significantly reduce your risk of future injuries.

Recommended Reading:

Contact our sports medicine clinic today at (661) 490-9221 to schedule an appointment with a physical therapist in Santa Clarita.